Ntek joins the fourth edition of the Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte initiative – Inside the heart of industrial Piedmont, discover the value of those who create value.

The dates on which Ntek will open its doors to the public will be 27 and 28 October 2023.

As in past years, Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte is an exceptional opportunity to dedicate a few moments of your day to discovering the technologies applied to developing products and production processes in our local area.

In its “niche” sector, Ntek wants to make full use of the two open days to make known and highlight to all visitors the latest generation technologies behind its production standards, which are constantly evolving to offer increasingly innovative solutions.

During the visit to Ntek, it will be possible to discover and recognize how acoustics is present in everyday life. Precisely for this reason, visitors will be able to experience through demonstrations how noise is generated and measured thanks to the solutions that Ntek offers and produces.

Therefore, it is a visit in the name of technology and how it is applied in acoustics.

With the certainty of being able to welcome a large and, why not, intrigued audience, Ntek gives you an appointment on the last weekend of October!

For any further information and to register for the event, click on the related buttons below:

Contact us                                         Book your visit*

 * As instructed by the event organization, the link to book the visit to Ntek will be active from 13 October 2023

Here it is the direct page on the event website: https://www.fabbricheapertepiemonte.it/